

Our Worship Services

We're glad you stopped by. Our Sunday morning worship service starts at 10:30am each Sunday. See below for this Sunday's message and theme. Our services meet in-person at our Orland Park facility and generally last between 1 hour to 70 minutes.

If you visit for the first time and have children, note that you have the choice to check your kids into our SB Kids program or keep them with you in the worship service. Kids ages birth through 5 can immediately check in and go to their class. Arriving a bit ealry makes that process 

Kids grades K through 5th grade can check in upon arrival, but stay with parents for the musical worship. After musical worship they can then go with our K-5th teachers to their class or remain in service with you. 

Our foyer and worship center are at ground level, so entering our worship facility can be done without climbing steps.

We are  in the process of updating our entire facility. Depending on the Sunday you come, we may ask you to excuse a little mess:)

Sunday, September 8th

Join us for our Worship Service this Sunday, September 8th, at 10:30am.

We are constantly taught that we need millions of dollars and government policy to help people. The truth is much simpler. All we really need to help people is to be walking with God and willing to help.

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