Southbridge Church is a Christian, Bible-based non-denominational church in Orland Park, bordering both Oak Forest and Tinley Park. The church can be found 1 block west of Harlem on Wheeler Drive (155th Street). Our tall, white, cylindrical building has been an Orland Park landmark for over 3 decades.
Constructed from beautiful white brick inside and out, our sanctuary is a sharp contrast to the dark movie theater look. Spacious and bright, we believe it reflects the grandeur and light of God.

Southbridge is a smaller, growing, family oriented church. Definitely not the corporate 'warehouse' church. Its easy to find a place here, connect on the ground floor, and start your own tradition. Read a bit more about us below...
What probably stands out most about Southbridge is our spirit. We love attending Southbridge because there is a real sense of family, without being 'us four, no more.' We love walk-ins! The Christian story is God telling us how much He loves imperfect people, and we want to pass that love on when you walk in our doors. You won't find cold, pretentious, and unfriendly in our sanctuary. And we value your space when you visit- no flash-mobbing or interviewing.
Our motto is that it is better to bless a second chance than judge the past. So if you are worried about the roof falling in or something because you are not that religious or churchy, don’t be. We too have experienced God’s life changing grace.
Southbridge is a true multi-generational church. In a typical worship service you’ll see an even distribution of teens worshipping alongside seniors, young adults, singles, couples, and families. We are small enough to care, big enough to make a difference. From 9 months old to 90 years old, we span the gamut.
Our goal as a church is to be a conduit to help you connect with the God, and help people find answers to your spiritual questions about God and the Bible, so that you can be a better person by loving God and others more.
A Non-Denominational Church in Orland Park

You’ll find friendly people in the atrium following the service, free coffee and scrumptious goodies at our coffee bar. Your kids will be welcomed by caring leaders who’ve all completed a state and federal background check in our awesome SouthBridge Kids children’s ministry. Here you don’t have to worry about being singled out as a visitor or being pressured to give money. Come on in, look around.
Non-Denominational – To us, being a non-denominational church means that you are welcome no matter what your religious background, beliefs, or lack thereof. We are a self-governing church without a hierarchical denomination controlling our decisions. The Bible is our basis for what we believe and how the church is governed. The focus of our messages is on God's Word and how it can change your life. Attending SouthBridge Church in Orland Park doesn’t mean that you’re changing or abandoning your family’s religious heritage.
What We Believe
Below is our doctrinal beliefs. These are things we believe about God, the Bible, and our worldview.
We believe that the Bible is the Word of God, fully inspired and without error in the original manuscripts written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, and that it has supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct.
Vision and Values
Jesus advised us to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your mind, and love your neighbor as yourself (Luke 10:27).” His last words to his disciples involved His will for us to “make disciples of all nations (Mt. 28:19).”
Our vision for SouthBridge Church is first and foremost fulfilling Christ’s vision for the church here in Orland Park, our greater Chicagoland community and the world. Below are some Biblical directictives that serve as basis for how SouthBridge Church seeks to love God and others in the southwest suburbs and beyond….
Above all other things, we want to be a healthy church. The New Testament teaches that church should be a place of peace and harmony (Col. 3:15, Phil. 1:27). No fighting or drama. We clearly and transparently articulate what we believe and the policies by which we are governed. The Biblical model of Matthew Chapter 18 directs us to ensure that we resolve any and all issues with others quickly, directly, and with the aim of reconciliation.